September 2022 Board Meeting Summary
Sept 2022 Sturbridge Board Meeting Summary
Your Sturbridge Board had its first meeting of the fiscal year.
President: Terri Allison
Vice President: William Perkins
Secretary: Calvin Williams
Treasurer: Truman Hornsby
Looks like we’ve found a company to host a new neighborhood web site; with on-line dues payment options. More to come on that!
We are getting at least 2 speed bumps installed on Sturbridge Dr and Chadburn Crossing ~ Many thanks to our City Councilman, Glen Pruitt!
Normal pool hours will extend through Labor Day; thereafter, we will be open Fri, Sat and Sun through the end of September
Looking at a possibility creating a “Neighborhood Yellow Pages,” listing those of you who have a personal business. This would be helpful for the rest of our neighbors!
Comtex should hopefully be starting neighborhood camera install beginning of September. Waiting for all the components to be delivered.
Our new Covenants Committee should be meeting soon to get organized and ready for this next year
PLEASE REMEMBER– Garbage days are Tues and Fri; yard refuse is Wednesday – BAGS NEED TO GO BEHIND THE CURB so rain water can flow and drain. LIMBS NEED TO BE CUT a minimum of
4 feet to be picked up. NO HOSEHOLD TRASH like toilets, desks and general “crap”– Halcyon Elementary has facilities available for this the 1st and 3rd Saturdays.
For those of you who have water drains in front of or at your lot line behind your house, PLEASE keep them clear of leaves, grass and limbs and do not dump leaves, grass, limbs or anything else into them. This could impede water flow during a heavy rain and cause possible flooding.
Please make sure you share the above with any landscape company you may be using.